Tuesday, 18 April 2017

I Love Her Style - Mila Kunis

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I love Mila Kunis. She's a very pretty girl, and a good actress. I remember when I was watching That 70s Show, and the times I spent laughing at Mila and Ashton's gags!
I really love her style, which is simple, casual, yet smart and classy. It seems like she likes neutral colours and comfy outifits, boots and flats over heels, and that she mostly wears jeans and trainers, like all of us! Here is a little collection of some of her outfits, and some of the styles I love and copy the most.

Monday, 17 April 2017

Let's Watch a Movie - A Street Cat Named Bob

It is very odd that a cats lover like me had not seen yet A Street Cat Named Bob. I decided to watch it a couple of nights ago, and I loved it! It is a 2016 movie based on the true story of James Bowen, a homeless London street musician whose life changed completely after he met a ginger street cat.
James was not having the best time of his life when he met Bob; he was homeless, bad relationship with his family, trying to recover from drug addiction. Than, a night, he found a ginger street cat in his flat, and fed him, giving him a place where to sleep for the night. The following day he decided to leave the cat free, hoping he would have been able to get back to his place and his owners, but the cat apparently wanted to stay around him.

Saturday, 15 April 2017

TBR April – Books I'm Planning to Read

Here comes the list of books I'm planning to read in April. My TBR are never too long, as I'd like to keep them realistic, especially when I know I won't have too much spare time. Three books in the list for me, hopefully I'm going to be able to pop in a few more titles, as there are a few new entries calling me loud from my book shelf. So, let's start.

Friday, 14 April 2017

Spring Accessories Wishlist

It is absolutely impossible having a walk around in town and resist the temptation of buying something from the new spring range. The shops windows are awesome, with their baby pink and baby blue jackets and handbags, shiny sandals, floral accessories. Willing of leaving back the cold winter months, a girl is so tempted of jumping into a shop and buying everything.
But we're intelligent women, and we know how to behave and not turn ourselves into Becky from Confessions of a Shopaholic (do you remember the scene where she wants to buy the boots and fights with another woman?). We're writing down a wish list of what we truly need, and either wait for sales or our birthday (if your birthday was in winter, you don't need excuses, go shopping!).

Thursday, 13 April 2017

ABD Product / A Bit Disappointing / Ultra Blends

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I love Ultra Blends products. I've been using them since I was a child, with my mum buying for me their Chamomile shampoo and conditioner, cause they were not burning the eyes, ideal for blonde hair, and left my hear smelling wonderfully. I'm still using them nowadays, switching in the products range according to my hair needs. I've been using the Cocoa and Coconut one for a good while (love the scent of it!), but now, with spring, my scalp started becoming a bit oily and itchy, and I needed a product helping me solving the issue.

Wednesday, 12 April 2017

Candles – Some Spring Scents

Scented candles, here is another addiction of mine. I particularly love them in autumn, when the cosy weather invites to close the windows, cuddle up under a duvet, take our favourite book and create the right atmosphere lighting up our favourite spicy candle. But I have to say, I love having a nice candle scent around during this warm days as well; maybe while I'm cleaning up, or writing a post, or having a bath. The right scents have got the power of calming me down, and make me feel much better, especially after a long day at work. So, here are some of my favourite Spring Scents. Different candles, different scents, different price ranges, but I truly love them all!

Tuesday, 11 April 2017

Trying Out – Rosehip Oil

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I love using oils in my beauty routine. Its something I learned only few years ago, but I realized that since I'm using them my skin, my hair and my nails really improved. I've been using argan and coconut oil for my hair since years, and also started to use Dr Organic face rose oil on my skin during my night time skincare routine. After my beloved Dr Organic oil finished, I was looking for something similar to purchase, and read online an article about Rosehip Oil and its beneficial effects on the skin. I found a tub of Rosehip Oil in TK Maxx, and decided to try it on.

Monday, 10 April 2017

A Place to Visit – Paris

A couple of weeks ago I've visited one of the most beautiful cities of the world, Paris. I had been there already once with my parents when I was very young, but just wanted to explore the city by myself now, and enjoy the beauties of what is considered to be the most romantic city in the world.
I stayed there 3 days, and I tried to organise my time so that I was able to see as much as possible – even though its impossible to see everything in just 3 days, Paris is definitely too big and too rich in places to see. Nevertheless, take a block notes and organise your days properly, you'll be able to enjoy a lot of what Paris can offer!

Sunday, 9 April 2017

Products I Loved, Used and Finished

Is there a bigger satisfaction than using up a product you bought til the last drop? Only few of them, to be honest. And the pleasure if even bigger if we really ended up loving that product, suggested it to all of our friends, and wish to repurchase them. Now, that is not the case for all of the products I've been using up this last month, but I managed to discover a few gems, and I'll share them with you now.

Saturday, 8 April 2017

TV Show Addicted – 11.22.63

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Despite having a huge list of TV show episodes to catch up with, I can't but look for new shows to follow, especially the short series on Netflix. As I was browsing my favourite blogs, I read a few articles about a new TV Show inspired by a Stephen King book, and as I read the plot and liked it, decided to give it a go watching the pilot episode.

The show is called 11.22.63, and its all about JFK assassination, with a pinch of supernatural (cause of course, its Stephen King we're talking about). The main character of the show is Jake Epping (James Franco), an English teacher recently divorced, living in Maine. As he sits in his friend's Al Templeton dine (Chris Cooper), he finds out his old friend is not feeling well.

Friday, 7 April 2017

In My Wishlist – Zara

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Now that we are in April, I truly start to think that I need to set up a Spring Wardrobe. I want to get rid of any jumper, sweater, coat and scarf, and just pull in shirts, leather jackets, open toes sandals, skirts. As I was having a walk in a shopping centre in Madrid last week, I popped into Zara (of course) and fell in love with the cutest shirt ever.

Thursday, 6 April 2017

A Month in Beauty – March

And March says goodbye! Its been such a busy month for me (workwise), and so odd from a weather point of view! Warm and sunny some days, cold and grey some others... I truly hope this summer won't be as inconsistent! By the way, beauty most played time now, and here is the list of the products I've been using and loving the most in March.

Wednesday, 5 April 2017

Easy Recipe: Chicken Wrap

So, here comes a super duper easy and quick recipe for those nights (or days) when you really have no time – or just don't feel like – for cooking. Its simple chicken wraps, prepared in minutes, very yummy and filling. Enjoy your chicken wraps!

Tuesday, 4 April 2017

Quick and Simple Spring Morning Skincare

With the spring days becoming longer and hotter, I start needing a skincare different from my winter one. My beautiful Rata&Co face cream, rich of chia, avocado and coconut oil, is wonderful for the cold January days, but is too rich for the warm April ones. Same for my Kiehl's Avocado Eye cream, which I will put back in my stash and take again once the temperatures drop down.

So, I reduced my morning skincare to the minimum, and made it to just 3 products, quick and easy to use.

Monday, 3 April 2017

Get Inspired – How to Style a Leather Skirt

Fonte Immagine
If there's a piece of clothing I love very much, and I find so sexy and easy to style, that the leather skirt. It can be the statement piece of an outfit, and it is so extremely easy to dress up or down, according to the accessories and other clothes we match with it. Here are some inspiring looks, and how celebs managed to create very cute or very elegant outfits using a leather skirt.

Sunday, 2 April 2017

Let's Watch a Movie – Beauty and the Beast

Fonte Immagine

Since the day I saw the first trailer on Youtube, I thought “I need to watch this!”. Disney delighted us with a new version of one of their most famous animated movies, Beauty and the Beast, dated 1991. In the new version, acted by true people and not cartoons, names like Emma Watson, Dan Stevens, Luke Evans, Kevin Kline and Josh Gad pop up. The costumes, the atmospheres and the music are all taken from the animated movie, and whoever lived their childhood letting the video recorder basically eat the cartoon video tape, like I did, will feel the need to watch this movie, as the nostalgia will be overwhelming!

The story is the classic one we all know by heart; Belle (Emma Watson) is a girl who dreams of a life full of adventures, far away from the little, provincial town she lives in. Her dad is an original inventor, who often comes up with odd ideas and the funniest objects. One day, he needs to go to town to sell some of his new inventions, but he losts the path, and finds himself nearby a dark castle. He enters, and seeks for help, for a place where to stay the night and get warm by the fireplace. Suddenly, a huge best arrives (Dan Stevens), and The poor Maurice runs away, extremely scared. Before leaving, he takes a rose from the beast's garden as Belle asked him to bring her one on his way home. But this gesture enrages the beast even more, and he kidnaps Maurice, closing him into a cold cell.

Saturday, 1 April 2017

The Body Shop – Vitamin E Aqua Boost Sorbet

We all come through that time of the year, when our skin changes and needs extra care, or different types of products. It always happens to me in April and September, those months when the temperatures drop or rise, bringing with them more or less humidity, wind, heat. Those also are the months when I need to boost my skincare, and adapt it to the new needs of my skin.

My skin has always been combination, especially in the T-zone. With time, and once I moved from a Country to another, it started to change, and be more on the drier side, if still a bit shiny and oily on the forehead, chin and sides of my nose. Very rich face creams are really not ideal for me, as they tend to accentuate the greasiness on my face, and I've always been looking for light moisturisers, with a good dose of hydration and gentle on the skin. I've been using for years the La Roche-Posay Effaclar Duo, and I loved it; but I also get a bit bored, and wanted to try something new.
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